Reiki at Wellness in Harmony, KOP

A few weeks ago I held my first contest and the winner was a local resident, Holly. As part of the contest, Holly mentioned as her favorite local product/practitioner Linda Dieffenbach of Wellness in Harmony, LLC.

Being intrigued by where this was leading, I arranged a time to meet with Linda to experience her work firsthand. 

The Visit

The first question I asked of Linda was to describe her work in only a sentence or two. Her response: “I specialize in helping people break through the barriers that hold them back and guide them into a deeper, healthier, and more connected relationship with themselves and their lives.”

Essentially, Linda offers Integrated Energy Healing sessions, which blend multiple modalities depending upon the needs of the client. These modalities include Reiki, Acupressure, Chakra Clearing and Life Coaching with the assistance of other healing tools. 

The bulk of my session was spent with Reiki. For those not familiar, Reiki is a form of energy work designed to promote healing. During the session, the practitioner gently places their hands on or just above the body, bringing the body into a more balanced state, facilitating deep relaxation and stimulating the body’s natural healing abilities.

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We started the session with accupressure and a brief guided meditation to initiate relaxation. Up to that point I’d had a hectic day of driving around and meeting with multiple clients. A break from the day was much needed and perfectly timed. 

Within a few minutes my respiration slowed and my breath elongated. The Reiki started with Linda placing her hands above the 6th Chakra, also known as the third eye. She proceeded to move to other locations as she worked down my body. My job through this was to relax, clear the mind, focus internally and allow the body to do what it was designed for: to heal and optimize function.

While I did not snooze as happens with some clients, I did reach a deep level of calmness and relaxation that I have not experienced for quite a while. It looks like my body needed this and I sat up from the table very refreshed, centered, and clear of thought.

Personal Discovery & Observation

Linda asked me how I felt, and what I noticed most was regardless where her hands were I felt a pulsing or energetic movement between her hands. That is not really the best description; it was more an ebb and flow but not back and forth as much as it was in the shape of a Lemniscate or a figure-eight pattern, the infinity sign. I could feel the energy following this pattern at each location. 

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I in turn asked Linda what she observed. She said I was like a “sponge”, just sucking up surrounding energy. But in a good way. Think of it like recharging a battery versus being a “Chi Vampire” and sucking the energy from others regardless of their current state of charge. 

In context, this is not surprising after a busy day dealing with traffic along with what has been a few hectic months getting the ELDOA classes off the ground along with a number of other projects I have in the works. 

Linda also observed some initial resistance from my 4th, 5th and 6th Chakra. Without going into detail, this correlated with current events. Fortunately, through the session, these points opened up and became more accepting. All is good!

The biggest revelation I had was that I need to make time to purposely relax and allow my body/mind to recharge and center itself. It doesn't have to be an hour, even just 15 minutes being alone in meditative purpose and intention will prove beneficial. 

The Wellness in Harmony Work

Intrigued, I asked Linda to explain her work and why it is effective. 

“As much as someone may want help, we are often tripped up by the survival strategies that we've developed to help navigate family and social constructs, as well as the challenging and traumatic experiences of our lives. These strategies become so deeply ingrained that we continue using them long after they've lost their effectiveness. Essentially, we keep ourselves stuck even though we may desperately want to make changes. 

“The chakras carry the energetic imprint of our history. They do not lie. By tuning into the energy of the chakras, you gain deeper understanding of the person's experience and how it impacts them. This enables me to see beyond the egoic constructs and self defensive patterns that people create, which become barriers to receiving the help they seek. This, combined with the modalities and tools that I use, helps to uncover core causal issues in a person's life, clear them, and introduce more effective self-care strategies and practical life skills to create positive change.

“The healing journey is a process, so naturally this takes time and effort to create lasting results. However, most people experience the benefits beginning with the first session.”

A Health Tip for Everyone

While not everyone can spend time on a table working with Linda or someone of similar skill and knowledge, everyone has the opportunity to change their health and the path they are currently travelling. Linda’s advice is this:

“Make self-care and personal healing a top priority in your life. Too often, we put everything else first and we become an afterthought. Unfortunately, for many it takes a crisis before we wake up and realize the harm we have caused ourselves. Trust me, doing your inner work and taking care of yourself is the greatest gift that you can give to your loved ones and to humanity. Not only do you show up more fully for your loved ones, your work and your life, but you also set a powerful example for your children and others.” 

A Bit of Background

As with most health practitioners, they tend to get into their work because of personal events and experiences. It has happened with me, and Linda is no different. She fell into Reiki and Energy work as she was struggling to find effective therapies to help resolve and heal from childhood trauma. 

My journey led me to make contact with highly skilled practitioners such as Paul Chek, Bill Wolcott and Reed Davis. Linda found her mentor in Elizabeth Frediani, who created the Chakra Clearing with Applied Integration healing method. After working with this modality, she began training with Elizabeth to learn how to do that which helped her so much. 

Linda’s learning did not end there. She has accumulated a variety of skills that enable her to work with clients on many levels, providing a highly individualized approach to their healing journey.

You can learn more and even set up an appointment by visiting For those reading this newsletter, you can receive a 10% discount valid towards Integrated Energy Healing, Chakra Clearing, or Reiki/Acupressure sessions (does not apply to coaching packages or classes). This offer is available through April 15th, 2020 with the Coupon Code: MOPT10. 

Don’t forget to check out Linda’s 11th Annual Autumn Goddess Retreat Festival 

( ) being held September 26th from 10am to 6pm. It is a family friendly community celebration of women that supports the Domestic Violence Center of Chester County (DVCCC).

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