My Foundation


C.H.E.K. Practitioner (CP2) & Holistic Lifestyle Coach (HLC2)

The CHEK Institute, as created and headed by Paul Chek, provides an extensive program based upon Paul’s 25+ years’ experience within the health, wellness, and sports performance industries. The comprehensive and often thought provoking methods taught by the CHEK Institute cover many facets of physical, mental, and spiritual health. The program can take years to learn and a lifetime to master. CHEK health professionals understand that information only becomes knowledge when that information is used to change the lives of others for the better! CHEK health professionals take a holistic approach to the assessment, education, and training of clients, understanding that the human body consists of many complex, interrelated systems. CHEK health professions may specialize in a number of fields; most have an ability to assess beyond the scope of most health and performance practitioners.

In addition to the CP2 and HLC2 certification courses and requirements, I’ve completed the following correspondence courses; Scientific Back Training and Healing Fungal and Parasite Infections.

FDN® Practitioner (Functional Diagnostic Nutrition)

Our mission is to educate as many people as possible how to get well and stay well naturally so that they, in turn, may educate others.

Reed Davis (founder of FDN)

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition is a methodology used to recover and maintain the best health possible. We do not diagnose or treat disease, a pursuit well attended by licensed physicians. Instead, we investigate underlying causes of unwanted conditions including lifestyle, environment, and individual weak links in metabolism. We are very interested in dysfunction and imbalances within the hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, and energy-production systems and the application of all-natural protocols that work non-specifically. By coaching up function in these areas and coaching down contributors to Metabolic Chaos™, we find many symptoms and diseases simply disappear over time as normal function and health are restored. For most chronic stress-related conditions, FDN is all a client needs to restore health. For those with serious medical conditions, FDN is a proven stabilizer and holistic grounding program, complementary to the medical attention they may receive.

Certified Metabolic Typing® Advisor (CMTA)

The only successful long-term diet or nutrition plan is the one designed to work for the needs of your body. There exists no one-size-fits-all approach to diet or nutrition. Regardless of your health or performance challenges or goals, your nutrition plan needs to be tailored to your body’s unique needs.

Metabolic Typing®, as developed by Bill Wolcott over 35 years ago, is the premier system of individualized nutrition. It is a time-tested, precise, and accurate method for creating a highly individualized nutritional strategy that not only builds health, but sustains health.

ELDOA Student-Practitioner Lvl 2

You are your own best therapist.

Learn by doing.

ELDOA is a French acronym for Etirements Longitudinaux avec Decoaptation Osteo Articulaire, or more easily translated to Longitudinal (axis) Osteo-Articular Decoaptation. It is a revolutionary technique created by world renowned Osteopath Guy VOYER, DO, and is based on scientific principles and 35 years of research.

The primary goal of ELDOA is to increase space between a specific joint by decompressing (decoaptation) a specific joint. There is an ELDOA for every joint in the body. As one practices the relevant ELDOAs, there is improvement in joint mechanics, increased blood flow, reduced pressure on the spinal discs, a reduction in pain, spinal disc rehydration, improved posture, and an increased sense of well being and awareness.

Student Practitioner Level 3 covers the ELDOA postures of the spine C2-C3 to L5-S1 along with the hips, shoulders, ribs and sternum. Descriptive anatomy, Kapandji biomechanics and kinesiology laws are discussed and learned.
