The Art of Tongue Scraping
Tongue Scraping! What...?
Tongue scraping is the simple practice of scraping your tongue before brushing your teeth. It is also an overlooked and underutilized Ayurvedic practice, which is a shame as it can be a rather effective oral health care tool.
Personally, I use a copper tongue scraper. The benefit of copper versus stainless steel or other metals or even just brushing your tongue with your toothbrush is its inherent antibacterial properties. Some hospitals are incorporating copper into fixtures, surfaces and furnishings for this reason. Overall bacteria counts are lower on copper surfaces!
Halitosis (bad breath):
One of the causes of Halitosis is the presence of unwanted (bad) bacteria at the back of your tongue. Part of the problem with these bacteria is that they can start breaking down protein in the mouth. During this process Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSCs) can be released as a bacterial by-product and contribute to bad breath.
Oral Acidity:
Unwanted bacteria can also contribute to a more acidic oral environment. Acidity is not what you want in the presence of tooth enamel or if trying to build a healthier microbiome.
Taste Buds:
Tongue Scraping has also been shown to stimulate the taste buds and this can allow for a better taste perception. This is not only due to direct contact with but also the breakdown and removal of biofilm or mucus that can form on the tongue.
Immunity & Detoxification:
Tongue scraping can also help maintain immunity by removing toxins that may otherwise be absorbed by the body and overwhelm immune function. These same toxins need to be dealt with by the your organs of detoxification. By eliminating or reducing toxin exposure, you are ultimately lowering the workload on your detox pathways, or freeing up energy to be utilized elsewhere.
If you can improve the health of your tongue, you are improving the healing possibilities within your mouth, including dental decay and inflammatory gum problems. Creating an environment conducive to a healthy microbiome is vital to health. While most associate the microbiome to your intestinal tract, the truth is that bacteria are present on all mucosal surfaces and your mouth is lined by essentially the same mucosal barrier.
You can consider that what is taking place within your mouth is a window into the state of the unseen portions of the GI tract and overall state of health.
Common Sense
While the benefits of tongue scraping are great, you do have to use some common sense.
Placing anything at the back of the mouth can induce the gag reflex. If great enough, vomiting is possible. Be gentle and be careful.
A proper tongue scraper should be smooth, rounded with NO sharp edges. You don’t want to damage the taste buds or the surface of the tongue.
A bleeding tongue is bad and initiating a tongue infection is most unwanted.
Keep the scraper clean. After using, wash it with soap and hot water, then store it somewhere dry.
How to Tongue Scrape
Most tongue scrapers are flexible and U-shaped. Hold the scraper by both ends. Place the U-shaped portion at the back of the tongue. Applying light pressure against the tongue, pull forward scraping off any film. Spit the film out. Repeat for 10-20 scrapes. You may need to rinse off the scraper or rinse out your mouth before finishing. It really is that simple. Just remember the common sense rules.
Of course there is much more to maintaining a healthy mouth, teeth and gums. Tongue Scraping is merely a simple, inexpensive, foundational and helpful tool that you can easily integrate into your daily routine and reap the benefit, immediately.
I suggest you give it a try for two weeks and report back what you notice.