ELDOA, as created by French Osteopath Guy VOYER, is an acronym from French words which translated means “longitudinal osteoarticular decoaptation stretches.” “Osteoarticular” means bones and joints. “Decoaptation'' means opening. Essentially, ELDOA makes space within joints.
The key to making space is utilizing tension across the fascial system along with muscular contraction and the particular posture (body position). This short video will help explain.
Why is space so important?
Consider L5S1, the most injured joint in the spine. This can be very painful and debilitating. A healthy spine is vital to movement and overall quality of life.
Movement: Our joints were designed to function optimally within specific mechanical parameters. How the bones of the joint relate to each other and surrounding connective tissue and muscle will largely dictate how efficient the joint moves and the longevity of healthy joint function. Joints do not fail without good reason. Most harm, outside an acute trauma (i.e. car accident) is related to the body’s inability to manage forces of extension, compression, shearing and torque.
Quality of Life: Exiting the brain and running through the center of our spine runs the spinal cord. As each spinal joint, nerves branch off and exit. These nerves continue throughout an area of the body innervating every tissue, gland and organ. If the joint they exit is misaligned or compressed, or the disk is damaged, pressure can be placed on the nerve. A compressed nerve has compromised conductivity. Communication from the brain to the body, body to brain and between body parts is compromised which will alter efficiency and effectiveness of function.
This image [lower left] shows what can happen when one cannot manage forces of compression, shearing and torque at the spinal joint level. Conditions like this will inhibit movement, interfere with nervous system communication, create an inflammatory state and more. A restricted joint, regardless of location, will create movement compensations elsewhere, often leading to further injury.
Decoaptation or decompression of a joint creates an opportunity for healing as the image also demonstrates.
Can ELDOA really make space?
Absolutely, and in as little as 10-20 minutes daily. This comparison x-ray [below] shows the effect ELDOA had in only a year’s time. Similar results for you can be expected when one is diligent and gives the body what it needs to heal while reducing or eliminating blocking factors.
Even better than making space is creating an environment which can maintain that space, on its own, over time. Imagine how more effective and efficient this individual will move without joint restriction. Imagine how much they improve their quality of life without chronic lumbar pain.
ELDOA is an effective form of self-care and well worth learning!